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BIG UPDATE: Should Jordan Ashford Remain Deputy Mayor?

Laura Collins is the Mayor of Port Charles on General Hospital. Except she often has other stuff going on. Like a son she needs to go looking for in Chechnya. And a grandson obsessed with his little brother while the tot’s baby mama lives with Laura and Kevin. And a daughter in a coma. And another son somewhere in Ireland. And various grandchildren in various states of psychosis due to their horrible upbringing. The point is, Laura needs help. She desperately needs a Deputy Mayor. So should Jordan Ashford stay in the job?

Private Eyes Are Watching You

Jordan (Tanisha Harper) has done her time as a public servant, according to 18% of the audience. She needs to spend some time serving herself. Forget being a cop, forget being a politician, and go open your own private eye agency, instead. You love sticking your nose into other people’s business. Why not get paid for it?

Jordan Ashford: Top Dog

She needs to remain the police commissioner, 36% of you loudly counter. The Port Charles Police Department is a mess. Mostly because their cops are as busy as their mayor. They need somebody with nothing else going on in her life — i.e. no front burner story — to really crack the whip and knock her officers into shape. Mac (John J. York) can’t do it, Dante (Dominic Zamprogna) can’t do it, and Anna (Finola Hughes) couldn’t do it back in the day. Jordan might as well give it a shot. Since she’s rarely distracted.

Climbing the Ladder

But almost half of you — 46% — think Deputy Mayor is the perfect role for Jordan. It combines her love of sticking her nose into other people’s business with her ability to whip underlings into shape. Why waste it on just the PCPD, when she could do it to Laura’s (Genie Francis) entire administration?

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