The Young And The Restless

Y&R Spoilers Speculation: Daniel Reunites With Heather

Will Heather fight for Daniel Romalotti?

Y&R spoilers already suggested that Heather isn’t thrilled with Daniel’s rekindled love for Lily. She may not have wanted him, but that doesn’t mean Heather wanted someone else to have him. After all, they have a daughter together.

Y&R Spoilers Speculation

And Heather (Vail Bloom) just kept Daniel’s (Michael Graziadei) mom from going to prison for all of her many, many crimes. Doesn’t he owe her something for dealing with that nightmare client? The least he can do is give their relationship another chance. But is there any way to salvage this disaster?

Young & Restless: The Way We Were

Daniel and Heather were in love and happy for many years. They raised Lucy (Lily Brooks O’Briant) together. They, presumably, worried that she might have inherited her biological mother’s — and grandmother’s — mental instability together. And they dealt with Daniel’s depression and alcoholism together.

Well, if dealt with, it meant that Daniel denied he had a problem, and Heather responded by grabbing the kid and moving to Portugal, so at least she didn’t have to listen to him whine about his problem. But they have too much to lose to give up now. Especially since Daniel has cleaned up his act. Heather put up with the worst of him. Doesn’t she deserve the best?

Y&R Spoilers: Fair Play

On the other hand, Lily (Christel Khalil) can also play the I’ve Seen Daniel at his Worst Game. Has Heather ever run away from home to save Daniel from a murder charge, huh? Has she? Nope? What’s a little bit of cranky drinking compared to a prison term? Lily was there for Daniel in a way Heather could never be. And that’s why the two of them are endgame.

Young and the Restless: Third Act

Except that, let’s face it, Daniel is no prize. Lily can — and has — done better. She kicked Billy (Jason Thompson) to the curb for being lame. How long until she’s forced to face the same about Daniel? And, at that point, how long before he goes crawling back to Heather, playing the family card? These two have to reunite. Nobody else wants them.


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